Old Blog

Trump Is a Security Risk

Trump Is a Security Risk

The Washingtn Po s The Washington Post is concerned about the fact that Trump is shortcircuiting the…

American Diplomats Warn of Trouble in Georgia (the country)

American Diplomats Warn of Trouble in Georgia (the country)

According to Just Security, US diplomats warned of possible trouble in the country of Georgia in lig…

Brazil and China

Brazil and China

The Wall Street Journal reports that Brazil and China used the G-20 meeting in Rio de Janiero to mov…

WSJ Says Brazil Heading for Trouble

WSJ Says Brazil Heading for Trouble

Wall Street Journal columnist Mary O’Grady says the G-20 meeting in Rio de Janiero illustrates…

Celso Amorim on Brazilian Foreign Policy

Celso Amorim on Brazilian Foreign Policy

The Carneige Institute interviewed Brazilian President Lula’s long-time foreign policy adviser…

State Department Transition

State Department Transition

Secretary of State Blinken has appointed Amb. Steve Mull to lead the transition activities preparing…